Compliance, Investigations and Advisory services

This function involves carrying out management audits in State Corporations to ensure compliance with set policies, rules and procedures; and providing advisory services to Government and other stakeholders on matters affecting State Corporations.

There are four (4) types of Management Audits that may be programmed or Ad hoc. Programmed audits are identified at the beginning of a financial year while Ad hoc audits are done on need basis.

  • Comprehensive Management Audit
    Comprehensive management audit involves auditing the entire managerial functions of a State Corporation. This may include governance, finance, and human resource, and procurement, technical and general administration.
  • Special Management Audit
    Special management audit involves one to a maximum of three functional areas of a State Corporation which is carried out on need basis.
  • Investigative Audit
    An Investigative audit is occasioned by an identified irregularity or allegations of irregularities on specific issue(s) in a given State Corporation.
  • Routine Inspection
    Routine Inspection involves monitoring of day to day operations of a State Corporation.